Fijian Massage testimonials from massage schools, students, clients and instructors illustrate the wide acceptance of this Fijian Massage barefoot technique. Fijian Barefoot Massage is offered in Spas, at sporting events, in private homes and professional clinics.
January 1, 2011
Hi Lolita
I had a new client for the Fijian today. She has quite the story. She used to get rolfed and that was the only thing that helped her hip feel better. Since her rolfer retired 8 years ago, she has been searching for a solution for the pain. She has tried physical therapy, many other massage therapists, she even had injections in an operating room into the piriformis, gluteal muscles because the pain was so bad she couldn't lift her right foot. And she says after just one session of Fijian Massage, this is the best she has felt in 8 years. I am very humbled by her progress and thought it would make a good story for your teaching.
She also said, "I think if everybody gave Fijian Massage a real chance, it would be the only massage they would get."
Thank you for sharing this amazing technique with the world, including me and my clients!
Debra Rilea Reno, Nevada
Co-owner Ralston School of Massage